Description: Location of water permits current as at 1 March 2015 within the Horizons region. Water permits have been issued for surface water, groundwater and riparian takes. This water permits data set has been adjusted (field and geometry changes*) to show consented water takes within the Manawatu-Wanganui region for the LAWA (Land, Air, Water Aotearoa) website (* Fields of the water permits data set were deleted and new fields, such as ResourceConsentID, PrimarySource, CommencemnetDate, ExpiryDate, PrimaryUse, MaxRate, Max Annual, WaterManagmentZone, Catchment, were added to this data set. The locations of the water takes were captured by Horizons Regional Council. A lot of the water takes were captured in New Zealand Map Grid till the new map projection (New Zealand Transverse Mercator) was introduced around 2010. The projection change means that all water takes that were captured before 2010 were re-projected to the New Zealand Transverse Mercator projection. Finally, all these water takes have been re-projected to World Geodetic System 1984 for the LAWA website.