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accessInformation: These zones were developed by Pattle Delamore Partners Limited under contract to Horizons Regional Council. 2018.
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: Imported into GisLiveDB.water: Information Management, 30/09/2019.Custodian: NRPThe protection zones around each source are split into three, including an inner protection zone, a microbial protection zone and a whole catchment zones. For surface water sources these zones are defined as:Inner zone:1,000 m upstream from the source and 100 m downstream and extending 100 m away from the banks of the source stream / river.Microbial protection zone:a zone encompassing 100 m either side of the source stream/river and extending upstream for an eight hour travel distance. The travel distance was calculated based on measured and/or estimated flow velocities in relevant streams.Whole catchment zone: The surface water catchment upstream of the intake point For groundwater sources, these zones are defined as:Inner zone:The council owned land immediately surrounding the bore head, ideally up to a distance of 5 m away from the bore headworks.Microbial protection zone:an area surrounding the bore beyond which microbial transport in groundwater will take more than 1 year to reach the bore. These areas are calculated based on local aquifer parameters and groundwater flow directions where available.Whole catchment zone: The area upgradient of the source that is expected to provide recharge to the groundwater resource. In some areas this zone is split into two parts depending on the vertical hydraulic gradient and groundwater pressures.
title: Source Protection Zone 1
tags: []
culture: en-NZ
minScale: 0