Water Management Area (1)
Water Management Area Label (2)
Water Management Sub-Area (3)
Water Management Sub-Area Label (4)
Amenity Value (6)
Water Supply Take (10)
Aquatic Site - SOS (15)
Amenity (7)
Natural State (9)
Trout Fishery (12)
| Outstanding Trout Fishery |
| Regionally Significant Trout Fishery |
| Other Trout Fishery |
Trout Spawning (13)
Inanga Spawning (18)
Whitebait Migration (19)
Site of Significance Riparian (14)
Site of Significance Aquatic - line (16)
Site of Significance Cultural (17)
Water Supply (11)
Domestic Food Supply (8)
Flood Control Drainage (20)
Life Supporting Capacity (40)
| Hill Mixed (HM) |
| Hill Soft Sedimentary (HSS) |
| Lowland Mixed (LM) |
| Lowland Sand (LS) |
| Upland Hard Sedimentary (UHS) |
| Upland Limestone (ULi) |
| Upland Volcanic Acidic (UVA) |
| Upland Volcanic Mixed (UVM) |
Groundwater Management Area (41)
| East Coast |
| Horowhenua |
| Manawatu |
| Northern Rangitikei |
| Northern Whanganui |
| Rangitikei |
| Tararua |
| Turakina |
| Whangaehu |
| Whanganui |
Groundwater Management Area Labels (24)
Taihape (26)
Taumarunui (27)
Part A: Cross-river CMA Boundary (29)
Part A: Stream or River mouth (30)
Part A: Coastal Marine Area (31)
Part B: Mole & Groyne (32)
Part B: Disposal Ground (33)
Part B: Dredging Specific Controls (34)
Part B: Port Zone (21)
| Port |
| General Zone |
Part C: Seawater Management Area (37)
Part C: Estuary Water Management Subarea (36)
RP-SCHED 10 : Floodways And Land Prone To Flooding (38)
| Makirikiri |
| Moutoa |
| Reid Line |
| Taonui Basin |
RP-LF: Target Water Management Subarea (42)
| Coastal Rangitikei |
| Lake Horowhenua |
| Managatainoka |
| Manawatu above gorge |
| Mangapapa |
| Other coastal lakes |
| Other south-west catchments (Papaitonga) |
| Upper Manawatu above Hopelands |
| Waikawa |