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Legend (LocalMapsPublic/Public_OnePlan)

Water Management Area (1)
Water Management Area Label (2)
Water Management Sub-Area (3)
Water Management Sub-Area Label (4)
Amenity Value (6)
Water Supply Take (10)
Aquatic Site - SOS (15)
Amenity (7)
Natural State (9)
Trout Fishery (12)
Outstanding Trout Fishery Outstanding Trout Fishery
Regionally Significant Trout Fishery Regionally Significant Trout Fishery
Other Trout Fishery Other Trout Fishery
Trout Spawning (13)
Inanga Spawning (18)
Whitebait Migration (19)
Site of Significance Riparian (14)
Site of Significance Aquatic - line (16)
Site of Significance Cultural (17)
Water Supply (11)
Domestic Food Supply (8)
Flood Control Drainage (20)
Life Supporting Capacity (40)
Hill Mixed (HM) Hill Mixed (HM)
Hill Soft Sedimentary (HSS) Hill Soft Sedimentary (HSS)
Lowland Mixed (LM) Lowland Mixed (LM)
Lowland Sand (LS) Lowland Sand (LS)
Upland Hard Sedimentary (UHS) Upland Hard Sedimentary (UHS)
Upland Limestone (ULi) Upland Limestone (ULi)
Upland Volcanic Acidic (UVA) Upland Volcanic Acidic (UVA)
Upland Volcanic Mixed (UVM) Upland Volcanic Mixed (UVM)
Groundwater Management Area (41)
East Coast East Coast
Horowhenua Horowhenua
Manawatu Manawatu
Northern Rangitikei Northern Rangitikei
Northern Whanganui Northern Whanganui
Rangitikei Rangitikei
Tararua Tararua
Turakina Turakina
Whangaehu Whangaehu
Whanganui Whanganui
Groundwater Management Area Labels (24)
Taihape (26)
Taumarunui (27)
Part A: Cross-river CMA Boundary (29)
Part A: Stream or River mouth (30)
Part A: Coastal Marine Area (31)
Part B: Mole & Groyne (32)
Part B: Disposal Ground (33)
Part B: Dredging Specific Controls (34)
Part B: Port Zone (21)
Port Port
General Zone General Zone
Part C: Seawater Management Area (37)
Part C: Estuary Water Management Subarea (36)
RP-SCHED 10 : Floodways And Land Prone To Flooding (38)
Makirikiri Makirikiri
Moutoa Moutoa
Reid Line Reid Line
Taonui Basin Taonui Basin
RP-LF: Target Water Management Subarea (42)
Coastal Rangitikei Coastal Rangitikei
Lake Horowhenua Lake Horowhenua
Managatainoka Managatainoka
Manawatu above gorge Manawatu above gorge
Mangapapa Mangapapa
Other coastal lakes Other coastal lakes
Other south-west catchments (Papaitonga) Other south-west catchments (Papaitonga)
Upper Manawatu above Hopelands Upper Manawatu above Hopelands
Waikawa Waikawa